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Bash Script – Pcapsipdump Spool Directory File Rotation – OR – Rotate Directories Based on YYYYMMDD Format

In the config file for the pcapsipdump program, there is a retention option where you are supposed to be able to enter the number of days to keep the directories in your spool folder and it should auto purge out the old directories/files, however, this option either doesn’t appear to be implemented yet or doesn’t work if you run the app as a different user (could be a permissions issue maybe?).

Anyhow, this script is my solution to the problem. It could also very easily be modified and used where someone needs to search and delete directories that are based on YYYYMMDD format with the ability to whitelist or ignore certain directories, hence the alternate title. Yet another alternate title could even be “Bash Script Functions – Convert YYYYMMDD to Unix Time and Vice Versa” but obviously the script would need modified a little because it has been tailored to fit my needs.

When run as a cron job, the script will grab both the spool directory and the retention period from the pcapsipdump config file and will purge out any old folders based on YYYYMMDD format so they aren’t eating up all your valuable disk space.

I also added a couple of noteworthy user-configurable options. The first being a directory whitelist feature (IGNORE_DIRS array), this option can be used in situations where there are directories that you don’t want purged or would like to keep the data indefinitely and that can also be used in conjunction with the PURGE_ALL feature to delete out any subdirectories that aren’t specifically listed in the whitelist if you are a clean freak.

Download it now –

# pcapsipdump file rotation
# By Nathan Thomas
# 12/05/2014

### VARS ###
# Location of the pcapsipdump config file

# Keep the spool folder clean - Delete all folders (except those in the ignored directories array)
# yes - Keep the spool folder free from any directories not in the ignore list
# no - Don't worry about any other random folders in the spool directory
 Continue reading "Bash Script – Pcapsipdump Spool Directory File Rotation – OR – Rotate Directories Based on YYYYMMDD Format"

Asterisk Dialplan Module – stdexten

Very similar to the stock version of standard extension in extensions.conf on Asterisk 11 with some minor customizations to the variables passed to it. Technically, this is not what I’m calling a “module” (which is actually a subroutine), this is just an example of the stdexten context which some may find useful.

In my scenario, under no circumstances would there be any reason to have to change the voicemail context, so the arguments that get passed are: The devices to ring, the timeout period (how long to ring the extension), and the destination voicemail box. If neither of the second and third arguments are passed, then it assumes a timeout period of 25 milliseconds and the extension passed in argument one as the voicemail box.
Continue reading “Asterisk Dialplan Module – stdexten”

Asterisk – Modular Dialplan

This is just a table of contents of the various Asterisk dialplan modules I have created over the last couple of years and am releasing to the general public as open-source in hopes that somebody finds them as useful as I do.

In my days as a Network Administrator managing six interconnected, fully-meshed branch office PBX’s at a telemarketing firm, maintaining six separate dialplans became a tiresome effort which ultimately led to my creation of the dialplan modules.
Continue reading “Asterisk – Modular Dialplan”

Mikrotik Scripting – Array Push Function

Since the scripting language at the moment on Router OS version 6.13 is lacking in the array editing department, here is a simple array push function I created.

# Usage: [$arrayPush <$array name> <value> <key position to place value (0-n or -1)>]
# Input an array name, value, and the key position to push the value to. To push value to the end of the array, enter -1.
# If array doesn't already exist, you must declare the variable and set it to "" before calling the function.
 Continue reading "Mikrotik Scripting – Array Push Function"

Mikrotik Scripting – Function to Split an IP Address into an Array

If you are unfamiliar with Mikrotik networking equipment, do yourself a favor and check them out at or Mikrotik uses Router OS, a Linux based operating system. In my eyes, they are every bit as comparable to Cisco at a fraction of the price with an impressive and robust GUI. I’ve been using them in production environments for six years with outstanding results. What other networking equipment has it’s own scripting language? None that I know of. The CCR series of routers with up to 36 processor cores are unparalleled in performance and flexibility.
Continue reading “Mikrotik Scripting – Function to Split an IP Address into an Array”

Bash Script – Sync a File to an Array of Hosts

# Sync a file to a remote set of servers using scp and check using diff
# NOTE: This requires the use of 'sshpass' and IS insecure in nature
# It also assumes the user credentials are identical on all hosts
# and that they have the necessary permissions on the remote directory
# Author: Nathan Thomas
SERVERS=('' '' '')
for HOST in "${SERVERS[@]}" ; do
        # NOTE: This won't work if the host keys are not already in the ssh cache
        # Flush ssh hosts - Either uncomment these two lines on first run or you could leave it uncommented for hosts that change addresses a lot
 Continue reading "Bash Script – Sync a File to an Array of Hosts"

Bash Script – Script Based MySQL Table Replication on an Array of Slaves

This bash script only uses row count and MySQL checksum to determine table consistency. I created this script because I wanted a different option rather than using MySQL replication. I initially had replication set up and working between six sites but it would tend to break from time to time so I needed a different solution. In my situation, my data was only being updated once or twice a week. This script should only be used in cases where you’re not overly concerned about your data consistency and row count and checksum are sufficient enough to suit your needs. If you need a more accurate consistency check of your table data, look into the Percona Toolkit.

# Sync DB Tables w/o Replication
# Author: Nathan Thomas 01/16/2014

# VARS #
# Server to sync DB from

# Array of slave hostnames separated by a space
declare -a SLAVE=('' '' '')
# Array of slave usernames in same order
declare -a SUSER=('username1' 'username2' 'username3')
# Array of slave passwords in same order
declare -a SPASS=('password1' 'password2' 'password3')

# Check table exists
# params: $1=username $2=password $3=hostname
function tableExists() {
        echo "`date "+%a %b%e %T"` - Called function 'tableExists' on $3." >> ${LOGFILE}
        echo "`date "+%a %b%e %T"` - Running query to verify table '${TBLNAME}' exists in database '${DBNAME}' on $3." >> ${LOGFILE}
        local RESULT=`mysql -u $1 -p$2 -h $3 -Bse "$QUERY" 2>&1`
        local RETVAL="$?"
        echo "`date "+%a %b%e %T"` - Query on $3 retured the following value: '${RESULT}'" >> ${LOGFILE}
        echo "`date "+%a %b%e %T"` - Exit status of last command on $3 returned: '${RETVAL}'" >> ${LOGFILE}
        if [ "${RETVAL}" -eq "0" -a "${RESULT}" -eq "0" 2>/dev/null ] ; then  # Retval 0, query returned 0, hide stderr, Table missing
                echo "`date "+%a %b%e %T"` - Table '${TBLNAME}' does not exist in database '${DBNAME}' on $3." >> ${LOGFILE}
                echo "`date "+%a %b%e %T"` - Function 'tableExists' completed successfully on $3." >> ${LOGFILE}
                return 1  # No dice
        elif [ "${RETVAL}" -eq "0" -a "${RESULT}" -eq "1" 2>/dev/null ] ; then  # Retval 0, query returned 1, hide stderr, Table exists
                echo "`date "+%a %b%e %T"` - Table '${TBLNAME}' exists in database '${DBNAME}' on $3." >> ${LOGFILE}
                echo "`date "+%a %b%e %T"` - Function 'tableExists' completed successfully on $3." >> ${LOGFILE}
                return 0  # All good
        else  # Some other error
                echo "`date "+%a %b%e %T"` - Unable to determine table '${TBLNAME}' exists in database '${DBNAME}' on $3." >> ${LOGFILE}
                echo "`date "+%a %b%e %T"` - We either encountered an error code in the SQL data, had a problem connecting to MySQL, or the last command exited with a nonzero status." >> ${LOGFILE}
                echo "`date "+%a %b%e %T"` - Function 'tableExists' did not finish successfully on $3." >> ${LOGFILE}
                return 2  # No dice

# Get row count
# params: $1=username $2=password $3=hostname
function getRowCount() {
        echo "`date "+%a %b%e %T"` - Called function 'getRowCount' on $3." >> ${LOGFILE}
        echo "`date "+%a %b%e %T"` - Verifying table '${TBLNAME}' exists in database '${DBNAME}' on $3." >> ${LOGFILE}
        tableExists $1 $2 $3
        if [ "$?" -eq "0" ] ; then  # Retval 0, table exists
                echo "`date "+%a %b%e %T"` - Running query to obtain row count on table '${TBLNAME}' in database '${DBNAME}' on $3." >> ${LOGFILE}
                local QUERY="SELECT COUNT(id) FROM ${TBLNAME}"
                local RESULT=`mysql -u $1 -p$2 -h $3 ${DBNAME} -Bse "${QUERY}" 2>&1`
                local RETVAL="$?"
                echo "`date "+%a %b%e %T"` - Query on $3 retured the following value: '${RESULT}'" >> ${LOGFILE}
                echo "`date "+%a %b%e %T"` - Exit status of last command on $3 returned: '${RETVAL}'" >> ${LOGFILE}
                if [ "${RETVAL}" -eq "0" -a -n "${RESULT}" -a "${RESULT}" -eq "${RESULT}" 2>/dev/null ] ; then  # Retval 0, check for nonzero string, is numeric, hide stderr
                        echo "${RESULT}"
                        echo "`date "+%a %b%e %T"` - The row count on $3 is: '${RESULT}'" >> ${LOGFILE}
                        echo "`date "+%a %b%e %T"` - Function 'getRowCount' completed successfully on $3." >> ${LOGFILE}
                        return 0  # All good
                        echo "`date "+%a %b%e %T"` - Unable to retrieve row count on $3." >> ${LOGFILE}
                        echo "`date "+%a %b%e %T"` - We either encountered an error code in the SQL data, had a problem connecting to MySQL, or the last command exited with a nonzero status." >> ${LOGFILE}
                        echo "`date "+%a %b%e %T"` - Function 'tableExists' did not finish successfully on $3." >> ${LOGFILE}
                        return 1  # No dice

# Get table checksum
# params: $1=username $2=password $3=hostname
function getTableChecksum() {
        echo "`date "+%a %b%e %T"` - Called function 'getTableChecksum' on $3." >> ${LOGFILE}
 Continue reading "Bash Script – Script Based MySQL Table Replication on an Array of Slaves"

Bash Script – Move Asterisk Call Files into Spool Directory

After running into permission issues trying to get PHP’s shell_exec command to chown call files as the asterisk user(which only root can do), I decided to make this script.

As a side note, you should be able to get the shell_exec command to work using sudo by adding the www-data user to the sudoer’s file without a password but that wouldn’t work in my particular environment. The server I was working on was extremely outdated and didn’t even have sudo installed.

Add this to /etc/sudoers
www-data ALL=NOPASSWD: /path/to/script

The following code runs the script as a daemon. You will need to update rc to start this script at default run levels and also make sure to chmod +x this file to make it executable.

filename: /etc/init.d/mvcallfile

# Move asterisk call file daemon startup script
# Author: Nathan Thomas

 Continue reading "Bash Script – Move Asterisk Call Files into Spool Directory"