Pieced together from various tutorials on the web with a lot of my own additions, here is a snippet of SQL that will alter or convert all tables in a database from “MyISAM” to “InnoDB”. As long as your MySQL user account has privileges to create stored procedures, all you have to do is simply edit the @DATABASE_NAME variable at the top of the script and run it in PhpMyAdmin if you’ve got it. Enjoy! Continue reading “MySQL Script – Alter/Convert All Tables in a Database from MyISAM to InnoDB”
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Bash Script – Convert a Batch of WAV Files to SLINEAR Format for Asterisk Hold Music
Here are a couple of useful one-liners that I picked up from voip-info.org a while back to manipulate a bunch of audio files in a single directory with Sox. You can save yourself some processing power on your Asterisk PBX if all of your hold music is in SLINEAR format that way no transcoding has to take place.
Continue reading “Bash Script – Convert a Batch of WAV Files to SLINEAR Format for Asterisk Hold Music”