Linzie Borden is a cover band I joined back in late May of 2017.
Here’s the band’s Facebook page:
Here’s a live recording of my first show:
Linzie Borden is a cover band I joined back in late May of 2017.
Here’s the band’s Facebook page:
Here’s a live recording of my first show:
I thought I would share with you the master icon removal list for File Explorer that I’ve compiled from various sites. All of the articles I’ve come across tend to delete the icons for all user’s, but I’ve found that it is possible to delete some of them on a per user basis by creating the key structure in the HKCU section of the registry instead. You’ll just have to fiddle around with them if you want to try it.
My biggest bitch by far about Server 2012 is that it doesn’t appear to even be a finished product in regards to Group Policy lockdown procedures. On almost every account, you have to hack the damn registry to get rid of unwanted items from File Explorer not to mention the god damned Ribbon UI which I’m going to do a whole nother post to rant and rave about and explain how to customize/remove icons from it. I’m not going to go into great detail here on how to add them through Group Policy Preferences or anything so if you need to know how to do that, check out some of my other articles where I explain how to do it.
Continue reading “Server 2012/Windows 8 – Complete File Explorer Icon/Shortcut/Folder Removal List”
Original Logo Copyright Pabst Blue Ribbon Brewing Company
Working Man’s Pardon EP
You can listen to my song here.
Verse 1
How long can we sit and choose between the lesser of two evils
When the only real choice is to make no choice at all
Republicans, Democrats, they’re just two-faced sycophants
When they’re already bought and paid for, America doesn’t stand a chance
We are the land of the tyranny, home of the slave
With no Bill of Rights left, there’s no country left to save
This election year, twenty twelve, the year of Obamney
One’s a murderous dictator scum and the other’s a complete commie
No more posse comitatus, the states arming all around us
More than a billion bullets purchased, while these FEMA camps surround us
Better grab your gun, your kids, your keys, your car, your wallet and your wife
And take a tip or two from me before they come and raid your house at night
Freedom isn’t free, I won’t go down without a fight
I’m gonna take it to ’em till I’m blue and I’m no longer feeling this disgust inside
No I’m not a hater, I just want a decent choice or two
In the twenty twelve election the real loser is you
Continue reading “Indecision 2012 – Lyrics by Nathan Thomas”
As with most of these posts, this is just for my own personal recollection and amusement. Consider it a journal of sorts if you must categorize it as something.
The Farm Hands was an acoustic rock band in the central Illinois area between the spring of 2010, to the summer of 2012. The band initially started out as a two piece acoustic guitar duo (Craig Keyes and Nathan Lhamon) but a few months later, in the fall of 2010, I (Nathan Thomas) joined in on electric bass to add a little bit more depth to the songs and to help fill the void. It’s kind of hard to put any sort of label on the style of music that we played, as there were many different genres of music. We played blue grass, twangy music, rock, heavy rock, light rock, easy listening, alternative rock, love ballads, 90’s hits, etc. You will just have to look at the set list and be the judge of that for yourself.
One of the most fun and interesting things about the band was the fact that we all took turns switching off playing different instruments and singing vocals for various songs to keep things from getting monotonous. Typically Craig “Craigermeister” Keyes would play rhythm guitar and lead vocals, Nathaniel Lee Lhamon would play lead guitar and backup vocals, and myself, “The Doctor” (a nickname given to me by Craig whose origin is still unbeknownst to me to this day), a.k.a. Nathan J. Thomas, would play bass. I will note who played what instruments in a separate post I plan on making containing our set list.
During that time period, we played around two dozen or so local live shows and events, we could even be found playing at the occasional house party of friends and family. The majority of our shows were hosted at a local watering hole called Rhythm and Brews in our hometown of Pekin, IL. We also opened up for Central Illinois folk singer/artist, Chicago Farmer, on multiple occasions at another bar called Bottom’s Up.
Continue reading “The Farm Hands – Bio”
Acoustic cover mash up, featuring “East Bound and Down” by Jerry Reed, “Can’t Touch This” by MC Hammer, and “It’s Not Unusual” by Tom Jones. Artists include myself, “The Doctor”, (Nathan Thomas) on bass, Nathaniel Lee Lhamon on lead banjo and vocals, and Craig “Craigermeister” Keyes on rhythym guitar and vocals.
Continue reading “The Farm Hands Live – East Bound and Down/Can’t Touch This/It’s Not Unusual”
Cover of “Camel Walk” by Southern Culture on the Skids, featuring The Farm Hands, my siberian husky, Dakota, on backup vocals, and special guest drummer Derek Curless.
Continue reading “The Farm Hands Live – Camel Walk”
Here is a single called “Romanian Man” from the three piece band (The Farm Hands) I was in from 2010-2012. This is my favorite song we ever did. We took turns switching instruments in a lot of different songs. I primarily played bass and did so in this particular little diddy. All of our songs can be found on my YouTube channel or on Soundcloud.