Server 2012/Windows 8 – Complete File Explorer Icon/Shortcut/Folder Removal List

I thought I would share with you the master icon removal list for File Explorer that I’ve compiled from various sites. All of the articles I’ve come across tend to delete the icons for all user’s, but I’ve found that it is possible to delete some of them on a per user basis by creating the key structure in the HKCU section of the registry instead. You’ll just have to fiddle around with them if you want to try it.


My biggest bitch by far about Server 2012 is that it doesn’t appear to even be a finished product in regards to Group Policy lockdown procedures. On almost every account, you have to hack the damn registry to get rid of unwanted items from File Explorer not to mention the god damned Ribbon UI which I’m going to do a whole nother post to rant and rave about and explain how to customize/remove icons from it. I’m not going to go into great detail here on how to add them through Group Policy Preferences or anything so if you need to know how to do that, check out some of my other articles where I explain how to do it.
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Geoengineering in Progress – 2012

The most extraordinary and interesting phenomenon out of this particular series of pictures can be seen on the photos dated October 30th, 2012 and November 15th, 2012. This is the exact time that Hurricane Sandy was hitting the United States.

On the pictures of page 3, you can see a bright, circular shaped, glare about 3 or 4 times the size of the sun. It was not a camera glare and could be seen by the naked eye, plain as day. Being twenty-eight years old at the time, I had never seen anything like this in my entire life. Then I saw the exact same occurrence two weeks later.
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Geoengineering in Progress – 2014

The simple truth is that Geoengineering/Climate Engineering/Weather Modification/Chemtrails are a global conspiracy FACT. If you believe otherwise, I suggest that you do a minimal amount of research, consider all of the pictures I have taken over the past several years as cold, hard, evidence and just go outside, look up, and pay attention.

This is all done blatantly, in your face, as you sit around watching TV all day being mesmerized by the LED flicker rates and psychological programming. We as a people need to stop being so damn naive and realize that you and everyone you love is being soft killed on a daily basis on every level.
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