What a surprise, this morning I came into the office only to find that all of my people running Outlook 2010 were now having it open in Safe Mode and I immediately thought, OK this had to have been a Windows Update issue. This seems to be the norm for old Microsuck these days, as I’ve had these sort of problems with Outlook happen twice within the last month. Perhaps they should come up with a new slogan, “Microsoft: Raising the Bar in Repudiation”. Continue reading “Outlook 2010 – Only Starts in Safe Mode”
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Outlook 2010 Hijacked
Today I received an email in my inbox that had auto-previewed and then Outlook immediately became non-responsive afterwards. I killed the task and re-opened the program only to find that was now attempting to connect to \\googleads.some.url and another site called \\pixel.quantserve.com\pixel at startup. After that Outlook would no longer open up fully and I would keep having to kill the task. The only way I was able to get the program to open was by running Outlook in safe mode.
Continue reading “Outlook 2010 Hijacked”