This bash script only uses row count and MySQL checksum to determine table consistency. I created this script because I wanted a different option rather than using MySQL replication. I initially had replication set up and working between six sites but it would tend to break from time to time so I needed a different solution. In my situation, my data was only being updated once or twice a week. This script should only be used in cases where you’re not overly concerned about your data consistency and row count and checksum are sufficient enough to suit your needs. If you need a more accurate consistency check of your table data, look into the Percona Toolkit.
#!/bin/bash # # Sync DB Tables w/o Replication # Author: Nathan Thomas 01/16/2014 #------# # VARS # #------# # Server to sync DB from MASTER='' MUSER='username' MPASS='password' DBNAME='mydbname' TBLNAME='mytablename' DUMP='/tmp/mydumpfile.sql' LOGFILE='/var/log/mysql/mysql_repl_check.log' MAILTO='' # Array of slave hostnames separated by a space declare -a SLAVE=('' '' '') # Array of slave usernames in same order declare -a SUSER=('username1' 'username2' 'username3') # Array of slave passwords in same order declare -a SPASS=('password1' 'password2' 'password3') #-----------# # FUNCTIONS # #-----------# # Check table exists # params: $1=username $2=password $3=hostname function tableExists() { echo "`date "+%a %b%e %T"` - Called function 'tableExists' on $3." >> ${LOGFILE} echo "`date "+%a %b%e %T"` - Running query to verify table '${TBLNAME}' exists in database '${DBNAME}' on $3." >> ${LOGFILE} local QUERY="SELECT COUNT(1) FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA='${DBNAME}' AND TABLE_NAME='${TBLNAME}'" local RESULT=`mysql -u $1 -p$2 -h $3 -Bse "$QUERY" 2>&1` local RETVAL="$?" echo "`date "+%a %b%e %T"` - Query on $3 retured the following value: '${RESULT}'" >> ${LOGFILE} echo "`date "+%a %b%e %T"` - Exit status of last command on $3 returned: '${RETVAL}'" >> ${LOGFILE} if [ "${RETVAL}" -eq "0" -a "${RESULT}" -eq "0" 2>/dev/null ] ; then # Retval 0, query returned 0, hide stderr, Table missing echo "`date "+%a %b%e %T"` - Table '${TBLNAME}' does not exist in database '${DBNAME}' on $3." >> ${LOGFILE} echo "`date "+%a %b%e %T"` - Function 'tableExists' completed successfully on $3." >> ${LOGFILE} return 1 # No dice elif [ "${RETVAL}" -eq "0" -a "${RESULT}" -eq "1" 2>/dev/null ] ; then # Retval 0, query returned 1, hide stderr, Table exists echo "`date "+%a %b%e %T"` - Table '${TBLNAME}' exists in database '${DBNAME}' on $3." >> ${LOGFILE} echo "`date "+%a %b%e %T"` - Function 'tableExists' completed successfully on $3." >> ${LOGFILE} return 0 # All good else # Some other error echo "`date "+%a %b%e %T"` - Unable to determine table '${TBLNAME}' exists in database '${DBNAME}' on $3." >> ${LOGFILE} echo "`date "+%a %b%e %T"` - We either encountered an error code in the SQL data, had a problem connecting to MySQL, or the last command exited with a nonzero status." >> ${LOGFILE} echo "`date "+%a %b%e %T"` - Function 'tableExists' did not finish successfully on $3." >> ${LOGFILE} return 2 # No dice fi } # Get row count # params: $1=username $2=password $3=hostname function getRowCount() { echo "`date "+%a %b%e %T"` - Called function 'getRowCount' on $3." >> ${LOGFILE} echo "`date "+%a %b%e %T"` - Verifying table '${TBLNAME}' exists in database '${DBNAME}' on $3." >> ${LOGFILE} tableExists $1 $2 $3 if [ "$?" -eq "0" ] ; then # Retval 0, table exists echo "`date "+%a %b%e %T"` - Running query to obtain row count on table '${TBLNAME}' in database '${DBNAME}' on $3." >> ${LOGFILE} local QUERY="SELECT COUNT(id) FROM ${TBLNAME}" local RESULT=`mysql -u $1 -p$2 -h $3 ${DBNAME} -Bse "${QUERY}" 2>&1` local RETVAL="$?" echo "`date "+%a %b%e %T"` - Query on $3 retured the following value: '${RESULT}'" >> ${LOGFILE} echo "`date "+%a %b%e %T"` - Exit status of last command on $3 returned: '${RETVAL}'" >> ${LOGFILE} if [ "${RETVAL}" -eq "0" -a -n "${RESULT}" -a "${RESULT}" -eq "${RESULT}" 2>/dev/null ] ; then # Retval 0, check for nonzero string, is numeric, hide stderr echo "${RESULT}" echo "`date "+%a %b%e %T"` - The row count on $3 is: '${RESULT}'" >> ${LOGFILE} echo "`date "+%a %b%e %T"` - Function 'getRowCount' completed successfully on $3." >> ${LOGFILE} return 0 # All good else echo "`date "+%a %b%e %T"` - Unable to retrieve row count on $3." >> ${LOGFILE} echo "`date "+%a %b%e %T"` - We either encountered an error code in the SQL data, had a problem connecting to MySQL, or the last command exited with a nonzero status." >> ${LOGFILE} echo "`date "+%a %b%e %T"` - Function 'tableExists' did not finish successfully on $3." >> ${LOGFILE} return 1 # No dice fi fi } # Get table checksum # params: $1=username $2=password $3=hostname function getTableChecksum() { echo "`date "+%a %b%e %T"` - Called function 'getTableChecksum' on $3." >> ${LOGFILE} Continue reading "Bash Script – Script Based MySQL Table Replication on an Array of Slaves"