Once again, we find out how worthless and pathetic Microsoft is when it comes to thoroughness. Starting with Server 2012, they added the ability to have a failover DHCP server using load balancing or by acting as a hot spare and have it replicate the server configuration, which is great, except they left out the MAC filtering lists, forcing us to use scripts yet again to accomplish something that should have been built in.
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Exchange 2010 – Add Send As Permission for All Users/Future Users from a User Account
No need for a bunch of hoopla, here’s the short and sweet version.
Add Send As Permission for All Users from a User Account
Get-Mailbox -ResultSize Unlimited | Add-ADPermission -User "YourDomain\Username" -Extendedrights "Send As"
To add send as permissions for future users, we need to create a powershell script with the above line in it, make sure you have enabled the use of unsigned scripts by issuing the “Set-ExecutionPolicy remotesigned” command at an administrator ran PowerShell prompt, and create a task scheduler job to run our script with the administrator credentials saved in there.
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PowerShell Script – Generate DFS-R Health Reports and Email Them
Sure there are a few DFS-R scripts out there to choose from in various languages like batch, vbscript, and even PowerShell to name a few, but I decided to write one to fit my own personal needs at the time.
I created this so that it could be ran as a scheduled task each morning. Basically the script just lets you set an array of different replication groups to run the Health Report on, attaches them all to a single email, and then shoots that email off via an SSL connection through an Exchange server in this particular case. Continue reading “PowerShell Script – Generate DFS-R Health Reports and Email Them”
Windows – Play a WAV file with PowerShell and the .NET SoundPlayer Class
At work, they wanted to ability to play a soundbyte on a schedule as a reminder to our sales employees. I think I may have found this on stackexchange but I can’t quite remember at this point to give the full creds. A lot of the solutions I found tried to use Windows Media Player to play sound files or MP3’s, but unfortunately, there was no way to close the program after the file had played. This way uses Windows PowerShell and the .NET SoundPlayer Class to play the file. Continue reading “Windows – Play a WAV file with PowerShell and the .NET SoundPlayer Class”